Multiplication of the 4 digit number- easy way
MULTIPLICATION OF THE 4 DIGIT NUMBER- EASY WAY We had in our earlier post ( https://a2yacademy.comacademy/2018/06/10/multiplication-of-any-3-digit-number/) had promised that we will be writing about how to expand the same method and do the multipli ...
Lets Divide without actually dividing – Few tricks
LETS DIVIDE WITHOUT ACTUALLY DIVIDING – FEW TRICKS r nesrAh..How is that possible Mama? My 7 year old son asked me as he read the heading of my new blogpost.. He loves these problems of division and multiplication etc and knows that as he grows ol ...
Math patterns with Calendar
MATH PATTERNS WITH CALENDAR I was recently watching a youtube video of Dr. Arvind Gupta ( to those who don’t know him..he has done a phenomenal amount of work in the area of science specially for children) and in the video I saw him using the calen ...
Solving the Cross Puzzle using Calendar
SOLVING THE CROSS PUZZLE USING CALENDAR In my last post I had shown how we can use the calendar to make number patterns a fun exercise for children. In this article we will go a bit ahead and learn how we can use the calendar to find and solve cros ...
Creating Magic Squares
CREATING MAGIC SQUARES Being a mother is a difficult job and has no job description as well. I love playing math games with my kids and their best friend who loves these small puzzles. As they enjoy it so much I though why not explore the area of m ...
Learning how to calculate the square root of imperfect square
LEARNING HOW TO CALCULATE THE SQUARE ROOT OF IMPERFECT SQUARE I have been thinking about writing about the square root shortcut for finding the square root of the imperfect square ever since I wrote the earlier one about finding the square root of ...
Think Differently- Tricks for Addition
THINK DIFFERENTLY- TRICKS FOR ADDITION While teaching the double digit addition with carryover to my twin boys I was reminded of the method that one of our teachers had taught us in school to make Math fun and to take away the fear of math from ou ...
Finding Instant Sum and Mean using a calendar
Finding Instant Sum and Mean using a calendar I have been thinking of writing a blog on this for a long time..but then having a set of twin boys and my own activities has somehow come in the way or simply put I have been slightly lazy. However tod ...
How Fraction and Decimals are the same
How Fraction and Decimals are the same ” What are you learning at School these days?” I recently asked some 4th graders..”Oh we just finished fractions and are now doing Decimals..” They told me..” Well do you know that fractions and decimals are t ...